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30/12 Cebican Kitten

Adult Pro Katt Chicken Based Added Taurine

Adult+1 Poultry All breed


Chicken & Fish

Complet with Chicken, Vegetables and Cereals

Delicious with Chicken and Turkey, Vegetables and Cereals

Delicious with Salmon and Tuna, Vegetables and Cereals

Exclusive Kattunge (kitten) High Chicken Meat Content

Exclusive Sterilised

Exclusive Urinary Chicken Based Low PH & Magnesium

Holistic Adult

Holistic Kitten

Holistic Weight Management

NutriExcel with Beef, Vegetables and Cereals

NutriExcel with Salmon, Tuna, Vegetables and Cereals

Sterilised Poultry All-breed

with Chicken